Saturday, February 18, 2012

What is Utopia Planitia?

According to Wikipedia:

Utopia Planitia (Latin: "Nowhere Plain") is the largest recognized impact basin on Mars with an estimated diameter of 3300 km,[1] and is the Martian region where the Viking 2 lander touched down and began exploring on September 3, 1976. It is located at the antipode of Argyre Planitia, centered at 49.7°N 118.0°E. It is in the Casius quadrangle and the Cebrenia quadrangle of Mars.

According to Memory Alpha:

Utopia Planitia was a vast lava plain on the planet Mars. It was the location of the Utopia colony as well as the surface structures of the starship construction facility, the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, one of the Federation's most extensive construction yards. Probably, all surface-based facilities were also part of the Martian colonies.

Why have I chosen this name?

I have a long standing hobby of building Star Trek starship model kits. I have just purchased an Enterprise NX-01 and Enterprise NCC1701-C kits. And I thought, at the suggestion of a friend, what the hell, why not blog it. So that is what i am going to do here. If nothing else, it will be nice to look back and see the process and to track how I improve model over model.
Currently my plan is to complete the two models I have and then continue to build the remaining Enterprise vessels. After those I will move on to non-Starfleet vessels.  Comments are always welcome, as long as you don't hate for the sake of hating. :-)

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